Category Archives: Oilfield Accident

These Drilling Problems Could Cause an Oil-Field Accident
Drilling for, refining, and transporting oil and natural gasses are complicated and physically grueling endeavors that require the use of dangerous equipment and exposure to toxic substances. One of the most perilous aspects of oil-field work, however, is the drilling process itself. We’ve included a breakdown of some of the most common oil drilling-related… Read More »

Common Causes of Oklahoma Oilfield Accidents
As one of our country’s largest producers of crude oil, Oklahoma employs thousands of oil and gas workers across the state. Unfortunately, oilfields are one of the most dangerous places that a person can work and it is not uncommon for employees to sustain serious injuries while on the job. It is, however, often… Read More »

Oil Industry One of Our Country’s Most Dangerous
The oil and gas industry is one of the most dangerous in the U.S. for employees, who are at risk of suffering everything from minor cuts and bruises in slip and fall accidents to life-threatening conditions, like burns and certain cancers, caused by explosions and exposure to dangerous chemicals. Unfortunately, these problems seem to… Read More »

Oilfield Accidents and Third Party Claims
The oil and gas industry is one of the most dangerous in the U.S., with workers at risk of everything from repetitive stress injuries caused by overuse to catastrophic injuries resulting from explosions and exposure to hazardous substances. Injured oilfield workers who find themselves in this situation may be able to obtain benefits through… Read More »

The Dangers Of Oil Well Blowouts
Active oil wells that bring petroleum oil and hydrocarbons to the surface require constant maintenance to ensure that they are operating properly and safely. Unfortunately, even the most well maintained oil well could become unstable and result in a blowout, in which the failure of pressure control systems leads to the uncontrolled release of… Read More »

Oilfield Equipment Malfunction Can Cause Serious Injuries
Extracting oil and gas is a grueling process, which makes the oil and gas industry one of the most dangerous for employees. One of the biggest risks that these workers face is having to use heavy machinery, which can be dangerous even when it is operating properly, so a lack of maintenance, a defect… Read More »

Oilfield Truck Accidents
Oilfields pose a number of risks to workers. The conditions, for instance, are dangerous, with employees exposed to harmful chemicals, forced to work long shifts, and required to work with complicated, heavy machinery. Some of the most common accidents, however, that occur on Oklahoma oilfields involve truck drivers. Oilfield Conditions are Dangerous for Truck… Read More »

Common Oilfield Hazards
Oilfield work is one of the most dangerous industries in the U.S., as workers are consistently exposed to toxic chemicals, heavy machinery, and dangerous equipment. Many also work long hours and must deal with bad weather conditions, including high winds, storms, freezing temperatures, and extreme heat. All of these things can lead to accidents… Read More »

Oil Well Maintenance Can Be Dangerous
Many aspects of oilfield work are dangerous for employees. One phase, however, that often gets overlooked is oil well servicing, which encompasses all of the work on a well that takes place after drilling has already finished, but prior to capping, such as inspections, as well as maintenance and repairs. Unfortunately, these tasks can… Read More »

The Dangers Of Transporting Natural Gas
Transporting natural gas is a bit more complicated than moving crude oil. Crude oil, for example, can be transported in a lot of different ways, including by truck, barge, tanker, train, and pipeline. Natural gas, on the other hand, can only be moved via pipeline or liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers. Transporting gas through… Read More »