The Most Dangerous Times to Ride a Motorcycle

Riding a motorcycle is always a dangerous endeavor even when the weather conditions and visibility are perfect. The risk increases even further when conditions are less than ideal, either due to the time of day or the weather. For those who ride motorcycles, it’s important to take whatever steps they can to reduce their risk of being involved in an accident and suffering a serious injury. This includes not only adhering to all traffic laws and wearing the right safety gear, but also having a thorough understanding of when it’s safest to ride.
Rush Hour
According to the Insurance Information Institute, the most dangerous times for a motorcyclist to ride are on weekdays between the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. This makes sense when you consider the fact that this is during the prime afternoon and early evening rush hour, when there are the most cars on the road. In fact, almost 26 percent of fatal weekday crashes occur during this time period.
Evening Hours
The evening commute, however, is not the only dangerous time for motorcyclists to hit the road. Evenings, for instance, are also perilous, especially between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. when dusk has fallen. On weekends, most motorcycle accidents also occur during this time period when visibility is at its worst. In fact, there are a lot of risks that come with riding at night, including:
- More difficulty seeing hazards, like potholes and flooded areas;
- More difficulty in judging the distances between and the speed of other vehicles; and
- A higher chance of encountering impaired drivers.
The reduced visibility at night also means that it will be harder for motorists to see and potentially avoid colliding with a motorcyclist.
Reducing Your Risks
While driving during certain hours may be more dangerous than others, the reality is that serious accidents can and do occur at any time, sometimes during ideal conditions. For this reason, riders can’t really count on any specific time of day as being safe to ride, but should take steps to reduce their risk of being involved in an accident at all times. Precautionary measures that all riders should take include:
- Increasing their visibility to other drivers by turning on their headlights and wearing reflective gear;
- Remaining aware of left turning drivers;
- Refraining from driving when distracted, tired, or impaired;
- Brushing up on their driving skills by taking a motorcycle safety class.
While taking these steps doesn’t guarantee that a rider won’t be involved in an accident, it can go a long way towards preventing a crash and accompanying catastrophic injuries.
Reach Out to Our Tulsa Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Unfortunately, even the most careful of motorcyclists could end up injured in a crash because of another motorist’s carelessness. These drivers can and should be held liable for their negligence, so if you were hurt in a collision with another motorist, please contact the dedicated Tulsa motorcycle accident lawyers at Levinson Law, P.C. for help. Initial consultations are offered free of charge, so don’t hesitate to call our office at 918-492-4433 or to reach out to us via online message to set up a meeting.